January 2007

lorinc_newcity-web.jpg Here’s a mini shout out to journalis John Lorinc, whose new book looks rather interesting, and who will be giving a talk at the UofT on Urban Poverty in Canada tomorrow.

wait – there are poor people?  oh. I thought it was performance art.

I love soup. It is homey and cozy, spicy and warm; and much like lemon tea, can offer comfort on a cold or unpleasant day. But better than soup, is an awesome soup cook book. And Matthew Drennan’s ‘SOUP – simply sensational‘ is exactly that.


Seriously, if you like soup, buy this book and use it. Every recipe is perfect, easy to make and damn impressive. The garnishes alone make you feel like a real Martha Stewart imposter, and the fusion recipes introduce new spices and ingredient combinations that really help me play in the kitchen. Oh, and they’re yummy.